Monday, 6 February 2017

6 reasons why you should call road service
Road services, otherwise known as roadside assistance, assist drivers in situations such as vehicle breakdown or a flat tire. It is available in almost all if not all auto insurance policies. It is simply a partnership between an insurance company and road service providers. The car insurance company can also hire a team that you can contact in case you need road services, after which they arrange the required services on your behalf. The service provider who will be sent to you depends on your vehicle, location and other circumstances. The closest providers to your location are normally dispatched to assist you.
Generally, if you add roadside assistance to the insurance policy you will get fuel delivery, towing, flat tire service, battery service, extrication and lockout service. However, if you do not have this option you can also contact your preferred road service provider. Many things can go wrong when driving a car, which is why you need a road service hotline nearby just in case something goes wrong. Below are 6 reasons why you should keep a road service hotline.
1.      Towing services
Towing services are essential especially in cases where the mechanics cannot repair the car without further inspection, the car needs numerous spare parts or it’s not safe to drive car again before major repairs are done.  Normally, they will tow the car to the nearest garage and finish the repairs but if you still need the car to be towed further beyond their limit you have to pay a
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2.      Flat tires
If you experience a flat tire on your way to work or from work, all you have to do is call road service and you will be on your way within no time. Provided you have a spare tire, the swap will only take a few minutes but if not then you will have to wait until the tire is refilled.

3.      Fuel delivery services
Have you run out of gas when driving? Worry no more for with road services at your disposal you can travel for miles without worrying that you will run out of gas. Eventually, you will run out gas but that should not worry you. Just pick up the phone and call any road service nearby they will deliver enough fuel to get you to the next filling station. They will often use the area’s prices to determine how much they will charge you.
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4.      Battery jump-start service
There are many instances where the car battery dies when least expected. So what do you when you are faced with such a situation? Well, you could try stopping a stranger and request for a jump-start, many of whom will gladly decline your request. If this does not work out, simply contact any road service nearby and request for a battery boost. The service provider will quickly jump-start your car and within no time, you will be back on the road. However, even after the boost the car may not start which may prompt you to seek the services of a towing vehicle.
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5.      Locksmith service and lockout service
Have you lost your car keys or locked them in your cars? Contact a road service to provide you with either lockout or locksmith services. Both of these services are essential in situations where you are unable to gain entry into your own car. Lockout service refers to when a professional road service provider helps you open your vehicle. Usually, they gain entry using a long reach tool or a pump wedge to unlock the door. If the lockout service is unable to gain entry to your car, locksmith service is called in to try their luck.
It is very easy to lose or forget your keys, which is why it is worthwhile to have lockout services at your disposal. They will cater for errors made in judgments, equipment malfunctions or any other circumstance that inconveniences you especially when you are locked out of some place you would like to access.
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6.      Extrication and winching services
If you get stuck on the road due to an accident, sand, snow, mud or anything that could result into the loss of traction, your car will require extrication or winching services or even both. However, before you contact road service you will be required to assess the situation and determine whether extrication services are necessary. You need to look at certain factors such as how from the road is your vehicle stuck, your location and the weather conditions. Give this information to the road service operator so that they can determine the equipment they will send to help you with your predicament.
The extrication process involves protecting the scene to prevent another collision, provide medical assistance where possible, secure the vehicle so that it does not fall off when it’s being carried and remove all persons from the vehicle.
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