Monday, 6 February 2017

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds
The last few years has seen the legalization of marijuana in several states in America. The so-called weed is an extract from a plant known as Cannabis sativa. Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant whose botanical name happens to be the same as that of marijuana. They are actually the same species it’s only that marijuana and hemps seeds have a slight difference. Marijuana has a very high concentration of THC- the component that induces the feeling of being “high”. On the other hand, hemps seeds have a very low concentration of this component as it is actually below 3%. This does not mean that they are worthless in fact; they are very valuable.
Back in the 17th & 18th century hemp was so popular that not growing it felt like a crime. Before inventions such as the cotton gin came to being, most fabrics, sails, ropes, canvas, clothing, textiles in the US were made using hemp plants. It was a very valuable crop that people nicknamed it the billion-dollar crop. Its fame came to a standstill when it was rebranded as a narcotic drug and a law was passed in 1937 that utterly suppressed its growth for commercial and industrial purposes. In 1958, things went from to worse to worst as it was completely banned due to its similarities to marijuana.
However, the growth of hemp seeds was revived when the 2014 Farm Bill was passed allowing farmers in several states to grow hemp plants for industrial use. Hemp is now making its comeback because it does not require pesticides; it kills weeds and improves the soil. The growth of hemp is now legal in over 30 countries and America might join the club soon. Hemp is environmental friendly and its uses include gasoline, paints, oils, fabrics, paper, lubricants, etc.
What are the health benefits of using hemp seeds?
·         Hemps seeds have a very high nutritional value
A quick look at many health stores across the country you will note that they all have flaxseeds and chia seeds. For many years, these seeds have been known for their nutritional value, which is because they have a very high protein content of about 18% of the total caloric value. Hemp seeds on the other hand contain 25% protein content. They are also rich in two of the most essential fatty acids, which are alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6). It is also rich in vitamin E and gamma-linolenic acid. Hemps seeds are also rich in minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and potassium. For many years, the Chinese have used these seeds for their medicinal and nutritional value.  They are consumed raw, roasted or cooked.
·         Hemp seeds are vital in combating heart disease
Heart disease is slowly killing people throughout the world. Fortunately, there is a way you can reduce the risk of acquiring these disease simply by consuming hemp seeds. You see, hemp seeds have a high dose of amino acids known as arginine. Arginine aids in the production of nitric oxide in our bodies. The consumption of hemp seeds in turn increases the level of nitric oxide, which dilates and relaxes the blood vessels. This lowers the blood pressure reducing the risk of heart conditions such as heart attack. A study of 13,000 people showed that increased levels of arginine affected the level of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is linked to heart disease. The study concluded that arginine was somehow connected to the reduction in CRP levels. Hemp seeds also contain gamma-linolenic acid – a fatty acid that is said to reduce inflammation thus decreasing the risk of a heart disease. Animal studies show that hemps seeds can reduce blood pressure as well as assist in recovery after heart conditions such as a heart attack.
·         The use of hemp seeds & hemp seed oil has many benefits to the skin
Fatty acids can affect the immune response of the body. This could be because of poor balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemps seeds provide this omega-6 to omega-3 acids at the optimal ratio of 3:1. Skin disorders such as eczema result from weak immune responses, which are greatly improved by the consumption of hemp seeds. This in turn balances the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. The symptoms of the skin ailments may gradually disappear. Hemp seeds may also help in relieving dry skin as well as improve itchiness.
·         Hemp seeds may help deal with symptoms associated with  menopause and PMS
Studies show that 80% of women who are still in the reproductive age have a hormone known as prolactin that could trigger symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a fatty acid present in hemp seeds and studies show that it can effectively reduce these symptoms. Studies on primrose oil, another plant with high amounts of GLA, showed that it could reduce the symptoms of menopause. Researchers believe that hemp seeds hold the same benefits.
·         Hemp seeds have digestive health benefits
Hemp seeds contain large amount of insoluble (80%) and soluble fiber (20%). Soluble fiber has valuable nutrients necessary for digestive bacteria. It also regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels. On the hand, insoluble fiber eases food passage through the alimentary canal. It also increases the bulk content in fecal matter as well as reduces the risk of acquiring diabetes. However, these benefits only apply to whole hemp seeds. The de-hulled seeds have very minute digestive benefits.
Marijuana vs. Hemp
Although hemp seeds and marijuana come from the same plant (Cannabis Sativa L.), they are not entirely alike. Both marijuana and hemp seeds have tetrahydrocannabinoids (THC). However, the amounts differ since marijuana has a higher percentage than hemp seeds. Scientific research shows that hemp seeds contains only 0.3 -1.5% THC while marijuana contains 5 -10% THC. This means that consuming hemp seeds will not get you high as matter of fact it is extremely beneficial. Hemps seeds are legal, healthy and completely safe with no side effects.
Unlike their cousin, marijuana, hemp seeds are quite unpopular but its benefits are gradually cementing its name as one of the most reputable superfoods. Their health benefits are numerous and the hemp plants many uses. Research on the benefits of hemp seeds is still ongoing and you can be sure that more benefits will arise. Therefore, purchase some of these hemp seeds and enjoy the immense benefits they have to offer.

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