Monday, 6 February 2017

Are the power points in your home suffering from overload?

Are the power points in your home suffering from overload?
Nowadays, every home is connected to electricity with almost every function depending on power to perform their daily duties. From the cookers to the entertainment systems they all need power to satisfy our needs. Yet, a poor wiring or a bad connection in the electrical system can cost you your home or even your life. The best way to avoid such a situation is by hiring an electrician Sydney to conduct regular inspections on the power supply points. In most homes, you will find that people rely heavily on their extension leads. To them it may not seem like an issue to worry about, little do they know that if the extension is overloaded it could overheat and eventually catch fire. Just because you cannot see a flame, does not mean that there is no risk of fire.
Reasons why extension leads are not recommended
You see, most people view extension lead as their saving grace when the sockets are insufficient. Unfortunately, they have to be extremely cautious not to overload the extension leads. In general, extension leads are suitable for use in the living room to power the TV, Skybox, Xbox and DVD just to name a few. However, when used in the kitchen, extension leads can pose the risk of electrical fires. For instance, if you plug in the toaster and kettle the same extension lead it could easily overload the extension. In fact, every appliance in the kitchen requires its own socket this way you will not have trouble struggling an extension lead that could easily cause electrical problems.
The more you overload an extension lead, the more it gets hotter and it will eventually cause fire. It is not just a matter of if there will be a fire it is a matter when.
Why do people prefer using extension lead?
The main reason people use extension leads is the constant need of electricity but with very few power points to keep with the rising need. Lack of sufficient power points is the mother of all other reasons associated with the use of extension leads. Practically every home in Australia has an extension lead plugged in somewhere in the house little do people know that the more it is used the more it strains the socket into which it is plugged.
Power outputs
Just like extension leads, power points can be dangerous when overloaded. Some of the appliances that we plug into our power points consume more energy than a single power point can sustain for long. For example, a hair dryer consumes more power than a standard fridge, which means that if the hair dryer is used for long it could easily overload the power point. It also not uncommon to find several appliances plugged into a single outlet. In such cases, you will find double adaptors stacked on each other or additional power boards for the coffee machine, kettle, toaster, juicer, etc. When combined all these additions overload the power point such that it could easily start a fire or even pose the risk of an electrical shock.
What are the signs that your power points are overloaded?
        I.            If your safety switch trips regularly especially in the morning and evening when power usage is at its peak.
      II.            If you are using a double adaptor and a power board all of which you have connected to the same socket.
    III.            Do the plugs get too hot when in use?
    IV.            Is there a burning smell or burn marks on the plugs, cords, adaptors or even the power point.
How to avoid overheating electrical sockets
        I.            Use power boards that are designed with an in built safety switch instead of using double adaptors.
      II.            Do not plug an adaptor into another adaptor.
    III.            Hire an electrician Sydney to conduct regular checks for signs of overheating such as sparks, melting plastic, burn marks or burning smells.
    IV.            Do not overload a single power point or power board. Instead, use one socket for every large appliance you use. For instance, if you want to use both the washing machine and the dryer at the same time connect them to different sockets. This way you do not overload one power point.
      V.            Unplug an appliance after using it.
    VI.            Do not use electrical appliances with broken leads, exposed wiring, visible damage, blackened or melted areas.
  VII.            Contact an electrician to install additional power points in your home to reduce the extra load on the existing ones.

If you suspect that your home has a power point or extension overload, feel free to contact a qualified electrician to conduct a diagnosis of your electrical system before the overload turns into an electric fire. Ensure that additional power points are installed into your home to reduce the burden on the existing sockets. Use electricity cautiously and most importantly, stay safe. 

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