Monday, 6 February 2017

Butt touching in the work place

Butt touching in the work place
It begins with an “accidental touch” and as time goes by your colleague makes it a habit to grope your butt. Is this right? It depends, do you like it or not? Do you feel embarrassed or empowered? You see, in some work places people get too cozy with each other such that they do not see any problem with the m touching their colleagues.
Its normal for a colleague to touch you
That is a big No. Your colleague should respect your boundaries if it is a no it’s a no even it is your fiancé. You should at least respect the work place. Although in some cases, someone touching you inappropriately may be a way of showing his or her affection for you. Just cut the guy some slack and tell him to approach you like a gentleman.
However, if you feel that it has become too much, you should talk to the HR and report the person. But before that you can try to talk to him and tell him that you do not feel comfortable being groped by someone who you are not in an intimate relationship with.
Types of butt touching
·         Domination: if your boss or senior colleague keeps touching your butt every time you meet, he is just trying to show you that he is in charge. It is a way of reminding you that he has the upper hand.
·         Flirtation: if he touches your arms, pats your back, puts his arms around your shoulder, rubs your back and even touches your butt he is probably trying to suggest that he is into you. He trying to open the door with the hope that you will walk him through. He is kind of saying that you look good but he cannot find the right words to actually say it. That is why he is using the touches to drive his point home.
·         The kudos butt smack: there are times when you do something good and you boss smacks you in the butt as a way of “good job son”. It might feel weird for you but you to get used to it because he probably does not mean harm. Your boss or supervisor might also use a butt smack when he is telling you to do some work for him. For instance, he gives you some work, smacks you in the butt, and says, “Go get the work done”.
Is it appropriate for a lady to touch her butt in public?
If it makes others uncomfortable then it is not appropriate. You see, some ladies believe that regularly massaging their butt will make it grow bigger. A study conducted in 2008 at the University of California and the University of Pittsburgh showed that women with bigger butts were smarter. They studied 16,000 women for them to come up with these findings. They were tested using cognitive tests where they were all give the same questions. It was seen that women with bigger butts outsmarted their counterparts with relatively smaller butts. Researchers attributed this difference in amount of fatty acids these women had. You see, women have a stock load of omega-3 fatty acids in their butts and hips, these fatty acids are known to facilitate brain growth. Does this mean that a bigger butt has more fatty acids thus the increased brain function in women with bigger butts? Does this also mean that a big butt is a sign of a big brain?
What is Pygophilia?
“pygophilia” is a scientific term used to describe people who are sexually aroused by touching or looking at someone’s butt. There are so many people with a butt fetish, which means that if a guy touches your butt when you are both working it is a “condition”. Therefore, if a lady catches you looking at her butt for a long time or you “accidentally” touched her butt just hand her a “medical” card that says, “Sorry, I am pygophiliac” hopefully you will be forgiven.
Butt touching is hilarious especially if its butt-butt. Sometimes you win a game and you are filled with such adulation that you decide to grab a big ol’ chunk from your best friend’s butt. Suddenly everyone is grabbing each other’s butt while jumping up and down to celebrate the victory. Sometimes touching a colleague’s butt is just a simple way of telling them that you appreciate what they have. However, there are those who see it as form of sexual harassment and you could probably be fired because of something as simple as a butt touch. Therefore, it is best that you kept your hands to yourself for you never know one day you will touch the wrong butt and it will get you into serious trouble.

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